Rusty Angel
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Difficulty: Intermediate
Temperament: Semi-Aggressive
Latin Name: Centropyge ferrugata
Common Names: Rusty Angel
Adult full size: 4”
Minimum Tank Size: 65 gallons Reef Safe: No
UV Required: Yes
Protein Skimmer: Recommended
Foods: Vitamin C soaked ABN Chromo Pellets, ABN Marine Flakes, Brine, Bloodworms, Seaweed, Mysis, San Francisco Bay Brand: Angel & Butterfly Mix, LRS: Reef Frenzy, Reef Nutrition: ROE/Arctic Pods/Beta-Brine
Description: The Rusty Angelfish is a red-amber color with black spots along the body and bright blue rims on the dorsal and anal fins. This fish is not reef safe, but appreciates a good amount of live rock to pick at. This fish needs a varied diet of Vitamin C enriched pellets, meaty frozen foods, and seaweed. Do not mix this angel with other Centropyge Angels, as they will fight.
Due to their chances of contracting disease, a UV sterilizer is a must! Click here!