Declivis Butterfly
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Latin Name: Chaetodon Declivis
Common Name: Declivis Butterfly, Marquesas Butterfly
Category: Butterflies
Difficulty: Expert
Personality: Peaceful
Adult Full Size: 5"
Min. Tank Size: 75 gallons
Safe for Reef Tanks: No
UV Required: Yes
Skimmer Required: Yes
Foods: Frozen Mysis, Arctic Pods, Vitamin C soaked ABN Chromo Pellets, Brine Shrimp, ABN Trifecta. Bloodworms, San Francisco Bay: Angel and Butterfly Mix
Description: The Declivis Butterfly is known for their yellow vertical stripe running over its eye and a yellow-to-black hood covering their backside. This Declivis Butterfly specimen is endemic to Christmas Island. Any Butterfly has the potential to eat coral, and should be cautiously added to a reef tank. They should be kept with other peaceful species and be provided plenty of hiding spots. A UV sterilizer is heavily recommended as Butterflies are prone to parasitic infections.