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Absolutely Fish Naturals Chromo Pellets now available!

Pink Skunk Clown
Pink Skunk Clown Pink Skunk Clown Pink Skunk Clown
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Absolutely Fish Naturals

Pink Skunk Clown

Regular price $27.99

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Latin NameAmphiprion perideraion
Common Name
: Pink Skunk Clown, False Skunk-Striped Clown
: Beginner
: Semi-Aggressive
Adult Full Size: 4"
Minimum Tank Size
: 30 gallons
Safe for Reef Tanks
: Yes
UV Required
: No
Skimmer Required
: No
: ABN Marine Flakes, ABN Chromo Pellets, Bloodworms, Mysis, Brine, ABN Trifecta, San Francisco Bay Brand: Multipack, LRS: Reef Frenzy, Reef Nutrition: Arctic Pods/Beta-Brine/ROE

Description: The Pink Skunk Clownfish is a peachy pink-orange, reef safe fish with a white stripe running along the dorsal area. Typically, Skunk Clowns are a bit more mellow than Ocellaris Clowns. They have one white band behind their eyes, instead of the normal 3 that you see in other species of clownfish. Skunk Clowns make a great addition to a reef or fish only tanks, whether you're a beginner or expert.