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FREE Shipping on all orders $300 or more! - Absolutely Fish Naturals Chromo Pellets now available!

Pinktail Chalceus
Pinktail Chalceus Pinktail Chalceus
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Absolutely Fish Naturals

Pinktail Chalceus

Difficulty - Intermediate
Personality: Semi Aggressive
Latin Name: Chalceus macrolepidotus
Common Names: Pinktail Chalceus
Adult full size: 10”
Minimum Tank Size: 75 gallons
Water Parameters: Neutral
Safe for Planted Tanks: Yes
Foods: Bug Bites, Brine Shrimp, Bloodworms

This is an awesome fish for any larger or aggressive set-up. They do well in larger groups of at least 8, but will fight amongst themselves in any smaller sized group. They do best as the only top dwellers in a tank, as they are notoriously skittish, and will jump if spooked so a tight fitting lid is recommended. They need lots of swimming space, so a large tank at least 75 gallons or larger is highly recommended, but the bigger the footprint, the better. They prefer to feed on insects, and little crustaceans, so a meaty diet is highly recommended.

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Regular price $32.99