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Absolutely Fish Naturals Chromo Pellets now available!

Juvenile Uaru
Juvenile Uaru
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Absolutely Fish Naturals

Juvenile Uaru

Regular price $43.99
Difficulty: Advanced
Temperament: Peaceful (Relatively Passive Behavior)
Latin Name: Uaru amphiacanthoides
Adult Size: 10"-12"
Min. Tank Size: 75gl.
ph: 6.0 - 7.0
Water Temp: 82F-86F
Food: Spirulina Brine, Veggie Flakes, Bloodworms

Primarily herbivorous in captivity, Uaru's require a heavy vegetable based diet, with some meaty foods mixed in. Very docile, even with their large maximum size, so larger more peaceful Cichlids and Tetras are recommended tank mates. Tankmates must be able to handle the higher temperatures, so different Geos, Heros, Angels, and large characins like Headstanders and Prochilodus would mix well. These Uarus are juveniles, so their patterning will change as they grow to have a bright yellow body with a large black spot.
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