Orange Spot Rabbitfish
Latin Name: Siganus chrysospilos
Common Name: Orangespot Rabbit
Category: Rabbitfish
Difficulty: Intermediate
Personality: Peaceful, Grazers
Adult Full Size: 15"-17"
Min. Tank Size: 150g
Safe for Reef Tanks: Yes
UV Required: No
Skimmer Required: No
Foods: Seaweed, Veggie Pellets, Spirulina Brine
The Orangespot Rabbit is a peaceful, large herbivore. This fish has venomous dorsal spines so be careful! It can be added to a reef tank, with caution, for algae control. Be careful as it may nip at some corals. Make sure to feed seaweed at least two to four times per week. Can mix with some more aggressive fish in a fish only tank if the Rabbitfish is larger.
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