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FREE Shipping on all orders $300 or more! - Absolutely Fish Naturals Chromo Pellets now available!

Flat Flyer Pleco (L-235)
Flat Flyer Pleco (L-235)
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Absolutely Fish Naturals

Flat Flyer Pleco (L-235)

Regular price $65.99

Difficulty - Intermediate
Personality: Semi-aggressive nocturnal scavenger
Latin Name: Pseudolithoxus anthrax (L-235)
Common Names: Flat Flyer Pleco
Adult full size: 5”
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallon
Water Parameters: pH 6.2 - 7.2
Safe for Planted Tanks: Yes
Foods: Bloodworms, Shrimp pellets, Algae wafers

This is a beautiful variety of what are called ‘Fancy Pleco-s’; it originates from the Upper and lower Orinoco tributaries, Caura and Aro rivers in Venezuela. Juveniles like this one have beautiful white spots that pop on the dark black body. Good (oxygen-rich) water flow and driftwood are a must, while a pebbly substrate and rocky hiding places are highly recommended (to recreate the bottom of a flowing river). Flat Flyer Pleco are considered peaceful community fish, but like most fancy plecos, they can be territorial and aggressive towards conspecifics & other bottom dwellers. Avoid mixing with other plecos unless tank is big enough to establish separate territories (at least 1 square foot per pleco, with decorations as dividers). It is an omnivore, so be sure to feed a mixed variety of meaty and veggie-based foods; it is a nocturnal feeder, so feed as late as you can.

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