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Absolutely Fish Naturals Chromo Pellets now available!

Moorish Idol
Moorish Idol Moorish Idol
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Absolutely Fish Naturals

Moorish Idol

Regular price $164.99

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Latin Name: Zanclus cornutus
Common Name:
Moorish Idol, Kihikihi
Adult Full Size: 7"
Min. Tank Size:
90 gallons
Safe for Reef Tanks: 
UV Required:
Skimmer Required:
Vitamin C soaked ABN Chromo Pellets, ABN Spirulina Brine, Seaweed, Mysis, Brine, Bloodworms, LRS: Herbivore Frenzy, LRS: Reef Frenzy, San Francisco Bay Brand: Multipack, San Francisco Bay Brand: Emerald Entree

Description: The Moorish Idol is a beautiful, but delicate fish that is widely distributed throughout the Indo Pacific. They are recognizable from their iconic white, black, and yellow striping. The Moorish Idol is the sole member of the family Zanclidae, which is closely related to tangs. This fish needs a large tank with a protein skimmer and UV sterilizer as they are very susceptible to disease. Tank mates should be peaceful. Feed this fish a highly varied diet and soak pellets with Vitamin C to help prevent disease. BE CAUTIOUS when mixing with Zebrasoma sp. tangs!