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FREE Shipping on all orders $300 or more! - Absolutely Fish Naturals Chromo Pellets now available!

Orbic Bat Fish
Orbic Bat Fish Orbic Bat Fish
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Absolutely Fish Naturals

Orbic Bat Fish

Latin NamePlatax orbicularis
Common Name
: Orbic Bat, Circular Bat
: Misc. Predatory
: Expert
Adult Full Size: 20"
Min. Tank Size
: 120g 
Safe for Reef Tanks
: No
UV Required
: Recommended
Skimmer Required
: Recommended
: Vit C Pellets, Krill, LRS Chunky, Clams, Squid

The Orbic Batfhis is a peaceful fish with beautiful long dorsal and anal fins. Their unique body shape will make a stunning addition to larger, peaceful fish only tanks. As a juvenile they are a deep orange, rown color that mimics floating leaves and algae. As they mature they lose this brown color and the fins appear shorter. Make sure the tank is big enough for this fish as they grow very quickly. Feed at least twice a day with a varied diet.

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Regular price $132.99