Truncatus Tang
Latin Name: Ctenochaetus tominiensis
Common Name: Tomini Tang
Category: Tangs
Difficulty: Intermediate
Personality: Territorial with conspecifics
Adult Full Size: 7"
Min. Tank Size: 75g
Safe for Reef Tanks: Yes
UV Required: Yes
Skimmer Required: Yes
Foods: Seaweed, Spirulina Brine, ABN Spirulina Flakes, Mysis
The Truncatus Tang is a great fish to add to any larger reef tank, as their bristle-teeth are super helpful in algae control. As a juvenile, this fish is a vibrant yellow and as they mature they become more of a brown-orange coloration with light blue dots along the body. They also exhibit yellow rings around the eyes. This Tang will be peaceful towards other fish and invertabrates, but will be aggressive towards conspecifics. It is very important to feed meaty foods, seaweed, and vitamin c enriched pellets to ensure this fish stays healthy.
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