Rooster Tail Snapper
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Latin Name: Symphorichthys spilurus
Common Name: Roostertail Snapper, Sailfin Snapper, Hi-Fin Snapper, Blue-Lined Sea Bream, Blue-Lined Sea Perch
Category: Misc. Predatory
Difficulty: Intermediate
Personality: Semi-Aggressive/Predatory
Adult Full Size: 18"-24"
Min. Tank Size: 120 gallons (WILL NEED TO UPGRADE AS IT GROWS)
Safe for Reef Tanks: No
UV Required: No
Skimmer Required: No
Foods: 2.3mm ABN Chromo Pellets, Krill, Squid, Silversides, Clams, LRS: Chunky Mix, LRS: Reef Frenzy
Description: The Roostertail Snapper is a large, predatory fish that is a gentle giant. This fish has a white body with striking light-blue horizontal stripes and yellow fins. It's dorsal fin has a long streamer that trails behind it. Do not mix with any fish that are too aggressive or can fit in this snapper's mouth. Will readily accept large, meaty foods.