Spanish Hogfish
Please read our LIVESTOCK SHIPPING POLICY carefully before placing your order.
Difficulty: Beginner
Temperament: Semi-Aggressive Latin Name: Bodianus rufus Common Names: Spanish Hogfish Adult Full Size: 14"-15"
Minimum Tank Size: 75 gallons (WILL NEED TO UPGRADE AS IT GROWS)
Safe for Reef Tanks: No
Required UV: No
Required Skimmer: No
Foods: ABN Chromo Pellets, ABN Marine Flakes, Krill, Squid, Mysis, Brine, Bloodworms, LRS: Chunky, ABN Trifecta, Clams
Description: Spanish Hogs are great choices for fish-only aquaria with larger, semi-aggressive fish. They are very hardy and should be placed in aquariums 75 gallons or larger. We source our Spanish Hogfish from the Caribbean. They are a beautiful blue and yellow fish that will add movement to a tank. USE CAUTION when mixing with other large wrasses, this fish will become aggressive towards conspecifics. A tight-fitting lid is recommended, as this fish can jump. Spanish Hogfish will appreciate a large tank with plenty of rockwork, provided with a varied, meaty diet.