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Absolutely Fish Naturals Chromo Pellets now available!

Achilles Tang
Achilles Tang Achilles Tang
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Absolutely Fish Naturals

Achilles Tang

Regular price $549.99

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Latin Name: Acanthurus achilles
Common Name: Achilles Tang, Red Tailed Surgeon
Category: Tangs
Adult Full Size: 8"
Min. Tank Size:
120 gallons 
Safe for Reef Tanks:
UV Required:
Skimmer Required:
Seaweed, Spirulina Brine, ABN Spirulina Flakes, Vitamin C soaked ABN Chromo Pellets, San Francisco Bay Brand: Emerald Entree, Mysis

Description: The Achilles Tang is one of the most prized fish in the marine fish-keeping hobby. It is very challenging, but rewarding, to keep in the home aquarium. This fish is a very dark navy color, with highlights of white near the operculum with a bright orange spot on the peduncle region. This fish is very sensitive, so a UV sterilizer and protein skimmer are REQUIRED. The Achilles Tang may fight with other Tangs, so it is best to add this fish last or in a group with other tangs. Do not mix with other Acanthurus Tangs such as Powder Blue, Powder Brown, or Goldrim Tangs. A diet that consists of seaweed, fatty frozen foods, and pellets with Vitamin C is very important!