Bicolor Angel
Please read our LIVESTOCK SHIPPING POLICY carefully before placing your order.
Difficulty: Expert
Temperament: Semi-Aggressive
Latin Name: Centropyge bicolor
Common Names: Bicolor Angel, Two-Colored Angel, Oriole Angel
Adult full size: 6”
Minimum Tank Size: 55 gallons
UV Required: Yes
Protein Skimmer: Yes Reef Safe: NO
Foods: Mysis, Spirulina Brine Shrimp, ABN Chromo Pellets soaked with Vit C, Seaweed, Bloodworms
Description: The Bicolor Angel originates from the Indo-Pacific. They are distinguishable from their vibrant yellow head and caudal fin, with a deep blue posterior. This fish is not reef safe, as it will nip at sessile invertebrates. However, they will appreciate ample rockwork and a varied diet. Be careful not to mix this Angel with other Centropyge Angels as aggression will ensue.
Due to their chances of contracting disease, a UV sterilizer is a must! Click here!