Black Tang
Please read our LIVESTOCK SHIPPING POLICY carefully before placing your order.
Latin Name: Zebrasoma rostratum
Common Name: Black Tang, Black Longnose Tang
Category: Tangs
Difficulty: Expert
Personality: Semi aggressive
Adult Full Size: 9"
Min. Tank Size: 120 gallons
Safe for Reef Tanks: Yes
UV Required: Yes
Skimmer Required: Yes
Foods: Seaweed Extreme Pellet, ABN Chromo Pellets, ABN Spirulina Flakes, Spirulina Brine, Mysis Feast, Seaweed
Description: The Black Tang originates from islands in the Indo Pacific. A unique Zebrasoma tang with a long snout to reach algae in hard to reach places. This tang is slightly aggressive, but will add a lot of activity to larger reef or fish only tanks. It is important to feed both meaty foods and algae based foods. UV sterilization and skimmer is required, as Tangs in general are ich and disease magnets. Be careful adding with conspecifics, as they may be aggressive with each other.