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Absolutely Fish Naturals Chromo Pellets now available!

Orange Bosemani Rainbow
Orange Bosemani Rainbow
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Absolutely Fish Naturals

Orange Bosemani Rainbow

Regular price $43.99
Difficulty: Easy
Temperament: Peaceful (Relatively, can bother small community fish)
Common Names: Boseman's Rainbows
Adult Size: 4"-5"
Min. Tank Size: 30gl
Food: DRy foods, pellets, flakes, live food


This species is from Melanotaenidae family originating from remote lakes in West Papua, Indonesia. They can be kept with con-specifics and similar size peaceful schooling fish. They are renowned for their striking orange and blue coloration in the makes which make them highly sought after in the aquarium trade. Its IUCN red list status is listed under endangered due to its small range and high amount of exploitation. Please read our LIVESTOCK SHIPPING POLICY carefully before placing your order.