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Absolutely Fish Naturals Chromo Pellets now available!

Eight Four For Reefs
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Eight Four For Reefs

Regular price $14.99

eight.four™ supplies a properly balanced (carbonate/bicarbonate) buffer system that yields an industry leading pK of 8.6 which makes pH maintenance of 8.3-8.5 easy. A higher pK increases the buffer's ability to counteract inevitable acidic sources in the water. eight.four™ will safely raise marine pH while adjusting alkalinity. eight.four™ contains a concentrated, balanced blend of bicarbonate and carbonate salts designed to restore disrupted buffer systems and increase carbonate alkalinity.


  • Supplies a properly balanced buffer system that yields an industry leading pK of 8.6 which makes pH maintenance of 8.3-8.5 easy
  • Will safely raise marine pH while adjusting alkalinity


Category: Reef Supplements