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FREE Shipping on all orders $300 or more! - Absolutely Fish Naturals Chromo Pellets now available!

Electric Blue Lobster
Electric Blue Lobster
On Sale

Absolutely Naturals

Electric Blue Lobster

Regular price $32.99
Personality: Opportunistic Predator
Latin Name: Procambarus sp.
Common Names: Hammers Cobalt Blue / Electric Blue Lobster / Blue Crayfish
Adult full size: 6"
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
Water Parameters: Neutral
Safe for Planted Tanks: No
Foods: Sinking shrimp pellets

This is a species of ornamental crayfish, created through selective breeding, popular for their striking color which intensifies at they mature. Their coloration is not from a dye, and will never fade unless the animal is stressed. For this reason they may look brownish when they arrive in the package, but will regain color over the course of a week or so. They are opportunistic predators and as such cannot be mixed with other bottom dwelling fish in aquariums (like Cory catfish, loaches, pleco-s etc.) or slow-moving peaceful fish. Fast moving top-dwellers like danios, hatchets should be ok. They are aggressively territorial, so lots of room is needed to put 2 in a tank together (at least 20 gallons per lobster). Please read our LIVESTOCK SHIPPING POLICY carefully before placing your order.