Emperor Snapper
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Latin Name: Lutjanus sebae
Common Name: Emperor Snapper, Red Empress Snapper
Category: Misc. Predatory
Difficulty: Beginner
Personality: Semi-Aggressive/Predatory
Adult Full Size: 40"
Min. Tank Size: 90 gallons (as juvenile) (WILL NEED TO UPGRADE AS IT GROWS)
Safe for Reef Tanks: No
UV Required: No
Skimmer Required: No
Foods: Vit C soaked ABN Chromo Pellets, Krill, LRS Chunky, Clams, Squid, Silversides
Description: The Emperor Snapper is an awesome fish with white and deep red striping. A great option for beginner aquarists as they will readily accept pellets and meaty frozen foods. However this is a very fast growing fish, growing about an inch per month, so be ready to upgrade it's tank. Do not mix with smaller fish, as the Emperor Snapper will eat anything that can fit in it's mouth.