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FREE Shipping on all orders $300 or more! - Absolutely Fish Naturals Chromo Pellets now available!

Fiddler Crab
Fiddler Crab Fiddler Crab
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Absolutely Naturals

Fiddler Crab

Regular price $7.99
Personality: Predator, do not keep with slow fish.
Latin Name: Uca sp.
Common Names: Fiddler or Mini Crab
Adult full size: 3”
Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallons
Water Parameters: Slightly brackish, temp 78 F
Safe for Planted Tanks: No
Foods: Sinking Crab Pellets, Algae Wafers

Fiddler crabs need a semi-terrestrial environment to live. We recommend a platform at the water surface they can sit on. Do not mix with slow fish or bottom dwellers, as they can be predatory. These guys are very good escape artists, so make sure your tank is securely covered. These are all male crabs, hence the enlarged claw. Please read our LIVESTOCK SHIPPING POLICY carefully before placing your order.