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Absolutely Fish Naturals Chromo Pellets now available!

Gold Vampire Pleco (L-172a)
Gold Vampire Pleco (L-172a) Gold Vampire Pleco (L-172a)
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Absolutely Fish Naturals

Gold Vampire Pleco (L-172a)

Regular price $131.99

Latin NameLeporacanthicus heterodon
Common Name
: Gold Vampire Pleco
: Beginner
: Peaceful, Aggressive with conspecifics
: 6.5-8.0
Max Size
: 8"
Minimum Tank Size
: 55g
Plant Safe
: Yes
: Sinking Shrimp Wafers, Bloodworms, Blackworms

The Gold Vampire Pleco is golden with black spots. These Plecos are omnivorous and do best with a varied diet. There is still no definitive maximum size on the Gold Vampire Pleco, but it is beleived they do not get larger than 8". They are territorial with conspecifics, so take caution mixing with other Plecos.

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