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Neon Green Star Polyp
Neon Green Star Polyp
On Sale

Absolutely Naturals

Neon Green Star Polyp


Sale price Regular price $19.99

This is a stock photo. Easy frag is 1” in size 


: Easy
Light Level: Medium
Water Flow: Medium
Latin Name: Briarum sp.
Foods: Amino Acids, Rotifers, Phytoplankton, Powdered Coral Foods, Small Meaty Foods



A great beginner coral being incredibly easy to grow. This coral forms lush carpets on solid surfaces as rocks and ornaments. This growth form makes it an excellent candidate for "carpeting" applications. Its adaptable in a variety of lighting and flow conditions grows equally fast with or without the addition of coral foods. However, this growth rate can cause it to become a pest/nuance in most tanks and killing other corals. As a result of fast growth rate its ideal placement is on a separate rock away from the main rock display to limit its growth.