Nigricauda Tang
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Latin Name: Acanthurus nigricauda
Common Name: White-tail Surgeonfish, Epaulette Tang, Black-Barred Surgeonfish, Eye-Line Surgeonfish, Shoulderbar Surgeonfish
Category: Tangs
Difficulty: Intermediate
Temperament: Semi-Aggressive
Adult Full Size: 18"
Minimum Tank Size: 90 gallons (WILL NEED TO UPGRADE AS IT GROWS)
Safe for Reef Tanks: Yes
UV Required: Yes
Skimmer Required: Yes
Foods: Vitamin C soaked ABN Chromo Pellets, ABN Spirulina-Kelp Flakes, Seaweed, Brine, Mysis, Bloodworm, LRS: Herbivore Frenzy, LRS: Reef Frenzy, San Francisco Bay Brand: Emerald Entree
Description: The Nigricauda Tang is distinguished by its dark gray coloration and a horizontal black band behind its eyes. It also has blue highlights on the caudal, dorsal, and anal fin. This fish originates from the Indo-Pacific and would be an awesome addition to larger reef, fish only, or FOWLR aquaria. Do not mix with other similar Acanthurus species (ex: Orange Shoulder Tang). Protein skimmer and UV sterilization is highly recommended. Make sure to provide plenty of seaweed along with protein-rich fatty foods. This fish will also appreciate plenty of rockwork.