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Absolutely Fish Naturals Chromo Pellets now available!

Orange Seam Pleco (L-106)
Orange Seam Pleco (L-106)
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Absolutely Fish Naturals

Orange Seam Pleco (L-106)

Regular price $32.99

Latin NameHemiancistrus guahiborum
Common Name
: Orange Seam Pleco
: Beginner
: Peaceful, Aggressive with conspecifics
: 6.5-8.0
Max Size
: 6"
Minimum Tank Size
: 30g
Plant Safe
: Yes
: Sinking Shrimp Wafers, Bloodworms, Blackworms

The Orange Seam Pleco is named after its bright orange tips on its dorals and caudal fins. These Plecos are omnivorous and do best with a varied diet. Orange Seam Plecos are a smaller variety of fancy Pleco, only reaching 6" when fully grown.

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