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Absolutely Fish Naturals Chromo Pellets now available!

Scopas Tang
Scopas Tang
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Absolutely Fish Naturals

Scopas Tang

Regular price $65.99

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Difficulty: Intermediate
Temperament: Semi-Aggressive
Latin Name: Zebrasoma scopas
Common Names: Scopas Tang, Brown Tang, Twotone Tang, Brush-Tail Tang
Adult Full Size: 15"
Minimum Tank Size: 75 gallons (WILL NEED TO UPGRADE AS IT GROWS)
UV Required: Yes
Protein Skimmer: Recommended
Reef Safe: Yes
Food: Vitamin C soaked ABN Chromo Pellets, Seaweed, Brine, Mysis, Bloodworm, LRS: Herbivore Frenzy, San Francisco Bay Brand: Emerald Entree

Description: This is a hardy, reef-safe fish that would make an awesome beginner tang for aquarists that are apprehensive about the sensitive genera of surgeonfish. The Scopas Tang comes from many different areas in the Indo-Pacific. This fish is light brown in color on the face and transitions to a dark brown color towards the caudal fin. This tang is great for grazing on algae in the reef tank. Tangs are especially prone to disease, so a UV sterilizer and protein skimmer are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED. Do not mix with other Zebrasoma sp. tangs OR proceed with CAUTION.