Smith's Blenny
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Latin Name: Meiacanthus smithii
Common Name: Smith's Blenny, Disco Blenny, Fang Blenny
Category: Blennies
Difficulty: Intermediate
Personality: Peaceful
Adult Full Size: 3.5"
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
Safe for Reef Tanks: Yes
UV Required: No
Skimmer Required: No
Foods: 1.7mm ABN Chromo Pellets, Mysis, Reef Nutrition: Arctic Pods/ROE/Beta-Brine, Bloodworms, Brine, San Francisco Bay Brand: Multi-Pack, LRS: Nano Reef Frenzy
Description: Smith's Blennies are blennies that are great for reef tanks. These blennies have a venomous bite, which allows them to be kept with larger, more aggressive fish that typically would not be compatible. While not extremely venomous, if you are bit by one you will develop a welt in the spot of the bite so be careful when putting your hands in the tank and when handling. A lid is strongly recommended as this fish can easily jump out of the aquarium.