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Absolutely Fish Naturals Chromo Pellets now available!

Unicorn Tang
Unicorn Tang Unicorn Tang Unicorn Tang Unicorn Tang Unicorn Tang
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Absolutely Fish Naturals

Unicorn Tang

Regular price $87.99

Common Name: Unicorn Tang, Bluespine Unicornfish
Latin name: Naso unicornis
Adult full size: 15"
Difficulty: Moderate
Temperament: Moderate
Min. Tank: 120gl
Safe for reef tanks: Yes
Required UV: Yes
Required Skimmer: No
Foods: Vegetation, Algae Sheets, Mysis, Spirulina Brine

The Unicorn Tang is a blue/green silverish color with blue edges on the dorsal and anal fins. This Tang originates from the Indo Pacific and develops its "horn" when it reaches about six inches. This Tang will need a mix of meaty foods and seaweed, A tank upgrade will be needed when fully grown.

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