Vlamingi Tang
Common Name: Vlamingi Tang, Bignose Unicorn, Scribbled Unicorn
Latin name: Naso vlamingii
Adult full size: 15"
Difficulty: Moderate
Temperament: Moderate
Min. Tank: 120gl
Safe for reef tanks: Yes
Required UV: Yes
Required Skimmer: No
Foods: Vegetation, Algae Sheets, Mysis, Spirulina Brine
This Tang originates from the Indo Pacific and has a unique bump on their forehead as they reach adulthood. As a juvenile, the Vlamingi Tang is a silver-gray with blue spots along the body. As they get older they will develop brilliant blue markings along the fins, eyes, mouth, and blue lines on the body. It is important to feed seaweed and a tank upfrade may be needed as they reach their full size.
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