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Absolutely Fish Naturals Chromo Pellets now available!

Bangaii Cardinals
Bangaii Cardinals Bangaii Cardinals Bangaii Cardinals
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Absolutely Naturals

Bangaii Cardinals

Regular price $54.99

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Difficulty: Beginner
Temperament: Peaceful
Latin Name: Pterapogon kauderni
Common Names: Kaudern’s Cardinal, Bangaii or Longfin Cardinalfish.
Adult full size: 3”
Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallons
UV Required: No
Protein Skimmer: No
Reef Safe: Yes
Foods: ABN Chromo Pellets, ABN Marine Flakes, ABN Mysis Flakes, Mysis, Brine Shrimp, Bloodworm

Description: Bangaii Cardinals originate from the shallows around the Bangaii islands of Indonesia (hence the name). This is a hardy, reef-safe nano fish well-suited for peaceful saltwater aquaria. They generally do better in pairs, though keeping larger groups are advised. Banghai cardinals are suited for tanks 20 gallon or larger. A cave (hiding place) and some peaceful tank mates would be ideal. An interesting fact about these fish is that they are mouthbrooders; once spawning has occurred the male will carry the eggs in his mouth to protect them.