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FREE Shipping on all orders $300 or more! - Absolutely Fish Naturals Chromo Pellets now available!

Cottonwick Grunt
Cottonwick Grunt Cottonwick Grunt
On Sale

Absolutely Fish Naturals

Cottonwick Grunt

Difficulty: Easy
Personality: Semi-Aggressive/Predatory
Latin Name: Haemulon melanurum
Common names: Cottonwick Grunt
Adult Full Size: 12”-13"
Min. Tank Size: 100 (will need to upgrade)
Safe for Reef tanks: No
UV Required: No
Protein Skimmer Required: No
Foods: NLS Thera A Large, Krill, Squid, LRS Chunky, Clams

The Cottonwick is a silver, white fish with light yellow striping and a black posterior and caudal fin. This fish does best with larger semi-aggressive fish as the Cottonwick will eat small fish that can fit in its mouth. This fish originates from the Caribbean and Atlantic. Make sure to feed large meaty foods and provide enough swimming room.

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Regular price $142.99