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Absolutely Fish Naturals Chromo Pellets now available!

Rainbow Wrasse
Rainbow Wrasse
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Absolutely Fish Naturals

Rainbow Wrasse

Regular price $87.99

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Difficulty: Beginner
Temperament: Semi-Aggressive                                                                                          Latin Name: Thalassoma quinquevittatum                                                                              Common Names: Q-Wrasse, Rainbow Wrasse, Red-Ribbon Wrasse, Pinkface Wrasse
Adult full size: 7"
Minimum Tank Size: 90 gallons
Reef Safe: No
UV Required: No
Protein Skimmer: No
Foods: 2.3mm ABN Chromo Pellets, Krill, Squid, Clams, Mysis, Brine, Bloodworms, LRS: Reef Frenzy, LRS: Chunky Mix

Description: Rainbow Wrasses are an extremely hardy fish for any level of aquarist. They can be aggressive eaters and are not safe for reef aquariums. Fish-only tanks with larger, semi-aggressive fish are the best for this fish. They should be not kept with other wrasses as they may fight. This fish heralds from the Indo-Pacific and is characterized by its turquoise body with bright magenta striping. A tight fitting lid is a MUST as this fish can jump out of the aquarium.