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Absolutely Fish Naturals Chromo Pellets now available!

Albino Polypterus Palmas
Albino Polypterus Palmas
On Sale

Absolutely Naturals

Albino Polypterus Palmas

Regular price $29.99

Difficulty – Intermediate
Personality: Relatively Peaceful but predatory
Latin Name: Polypterus palmas
Common Names: Marbled Bichir
Adult full size: 12-13” 
Minimum Tank Size: 55-75 gallons
Water Parameters: 6.0-7.0 PH
Safe for Planted Tanks: Yes
Foods: Sinking carnivore pellets, Krill, Silversides and other meaty foods.

The Albino Polypterus Palmas is native to the Congo, Ghana "Africa", with very dense vegetation in streams and lakes. Plants and driftwood is not needed but would be appreciated and makes the Albino Polypterus Palmas feel more secure in their environment. Be cautious with tank mates as this Polypterus can eat any fish that fit in their mouth. So look at adding larger Characins, Knifefish, Datnoids, Synodontis, and other Polypterus. Males have larger anal fins then females. Polypterus are also more nocturnal and rely heavily on their sense of smell because of their bad vision.

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