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Absolutely Fish Naturals Chromo Pellets now available!

Altolamp. calvus "Ink Fin"
Altolamp. calvus "Ink Fin"
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Absolutely Fish Naturals

Altolamp. calvus "Ink Fin"

Regular price $100.99

Latin Name: Altolamprologus calvus "Ink Fin"
: Intermediate
Personality: Aggressive
Adult size: 5"
Min. Tanks Size: 55 gl
Plant safe: No
pH: 8.2-8.8
Food: ABF Spirulina Flakes, Arctic Pods, Daphnia, Spirulina Brine, Bloodworms

Altolamprologus calvus "Ink Fin" are known for their deep black body and fins with their white spotted patterning. They are African Cichlids that are native to Lake Tanganyika and need a pH of at leat 8.2. These guys only get to about 5 inches when fully grown, but they tend to do well with larger African Cichlids (such as Mbunas and Peacocks), as well as other Tangnyikan Cichlids.

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