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FREE Shipping on all orders $300 or more! - Absolutely Fish Naturals Chromo Pellets now available!

Ameca Splendens (Butterfly Goodeid)
Ameca Splendens (Butterfly Goodeid) Ameca Splendens (Butterfly Goodeid)
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Absolutely Fish Naturals

Ameca Splendens (Butterfly Goodeid)

Regular price $8.99

Difficulty - Beginner
Personality: Semi Aggressive
Latin Name: Ameca splendens
Common Names: Butterfly Goodeid
Adult full size: 3”
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
Water Parameters: Neutral
Safe for Planted Tanks: Yes
Foods: Spirulina Flakes, Brine Shrimp

One of the more aggressive live bearers, the Ameca splendens are extremely nippy. They are also one of the rarest live bearers, only being known to come from one lake in Mexico in the wild. However, all of our Ameca splendens are locally bread, so you do not have to worry about taking these endangered fish out of the wild. They do best with semi-aggressive tank mates like most Barbs, and some Tetras.

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