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Absolutely Fish Naturals Chromo Pellets now available!

Black Ghost Knife Fish
Black Ghost Knife Fish Black Ghost Knife Fish
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Absolutely Fish Naturals

Black Ghost Knife Fish

Regular price $43.99

Difficulty - Advanced
Personality: Peaceful, Predatory
Latin Name: Apteronotus albifrons
Common Names: Black Ghost Knife
Adult full size: 19”
Minimum Tank Size: 75 gallons
Water Parameters: 6.0pH-7.6pH
Safe for Planted Tanks: Yes
Foods: Brine Shrimp, Bloodworms, Blackworms

The unique Black Ghost Knife is an intelligent, yet generally shy fish. As a Knife Fish, they use a harmless electrical signal to sense their surroundings and find food. Black Ghost Knife Fish can be territorial, so it is best to only keep one per tank. They are best kept with other semi-aggressive predators or large peaceful fish. These fish can be picky eaters and may require live food at first.

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