Citron Goby
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Latin Name: Gobiodon citrinus
Common Name: Lemon Coral Goby, Citron Goby
Category: Gobies
Difficulty: Beginner
Personality: Peaceful
Adult Full Size: 2.5"
Min. Tank Size: 10 gallon
Safe for Reef Tanks: Yes
UV Required: No
Skimmer Required: No
Foods: ABN Chromo Pellet, Arctic Pods, Tigger Pods, ABN Trifecta, ABN Brine Shrimp
Description: The Citron Goby is a peaceful bottom feeder that does great in any peaceful tank. They are bright yellow with blue stripes along the eye and operculum. They tend to perch on the glass, rocks, and decorations. We do not recommend putting multiple in a smaller tank as this may result in aggression. The Citron Goby will readily accept most prepared foods. This is an awesome fish for both beginner and expert aquarists.