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Absolutely Fish Naturals Chromo Pellets now available!

False Personifer Angel
False Personifer Angel False Personifer Angel
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Absolutely Fish Naturals

False Personifer Angel

Regular price $1,999.99

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Common Name: False Personifer Angel
Latin name: Chaetodontoplus meridithi
Adult full size: 10"
Difficulty: Expert
Temperament: Peaceful
Min. Tank: 120 gallons
Safe for reef tanks: No
Required UV: Yes
Required Skimmer: Yes
Foods: Vitamin C soaked ABN Chromo Pellets, Mysis, Brine, Bloodworm, San Francisco Bay: Angel & Butterfly Mix, Clams, Krill, Squid, Seaweed

Description: The False Personifer Angelfish is an endemic species from Eastern Australia. They can be a challenging species due to feeding and chance of parasitic infections. A UV sterilizer and balanced diet with garlic are strongly advised. Larger aquariums are always best to house this angel. Do not mix with conspecifics.