French Grunt
Please read our LIVESTOCK SHIPPING POLICY carefully before placing your order.
Difficulty: Beginner
Personality: Aggressive/Predatory
Latin Name: Haemulon flavolineatum
Common names: French Grunt, Banana Grunt, Gold-laced Grunt
Adult Full Size: 10”
Min. Tank Size: 150 full grown
Safe for Reef tanks: With Caution (Will eat invertebrates)
UV Required: No
Protein Skimmer Required: Yes
Foods: 2.3mm ABN Chromo Pellets, ABN Marine Flakes, Krill, Squid, Silversides, Clam, LRS: Chunky
Description: Native to the western Atlantic, this species of grunt is typically found in schools among rocky coral reefs. In a home aquarium, the French Grunt will do fine as a stand-alone fish and provide an eye-catching silvery-white and yellow striped pattern to the tank. This particular fish is constantly swimming around the tank and is not a picky eater. Every once and a while you may hear it grind its teeth together making a soft grunting noise (hence the name). Be sure not to mix critters or much smaller fish with them, as they may be eaten. This French Grunt would make a great addition to a large tank with other larger fish.