Gray Poma Angel
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Difficulty: Expert
Temperament: Semi-Aggressive
Latin Name: Chaetodontoplus melanosoma
Common Names: Gray Poma Angel, Black Velvet Angel
Adult full size: 8"
Minimum Tank Size: 100 gallons
Reef Safe: No
UV Required: Yes
Protein Skimmer: Yes
Foods: ABN Chromo Pellets, Blackworms, Spirulina Brine, Mysis Shrimp, Seaweed, Mussels, Clams
Description: The Gray Poma Angel is a black and gray Angelfish with Yellow lining in its dorsal fin, caudal fin, and face. This fish originates from the Indo-Pacific and needs a very varied diet along with plenty of rock to pick at. This Angel is definitely not reef safe, as they will pick at corals and fleshy invertebrates. A protein skimmer and UV sterilizer is a must as this fish is very sensitive. Pellets soaked in Vitamin C is also a good idea to boost the immune system to defend against disease. Do not mix with other large Angels, or anything too aggressive.