Green Banded Goby
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Latin Name: Tigrigobius multifasciatus
Common Name: Green Banded Goby, Lime Stripe Goby,
Category: Gobies
Difficulty: Beginner
Personality: Peaceful
Adult Full Size: 1"
Min. Tank Size: 10 gallons
Reef Safe: Yes
UV Required: No
Skimmer Required: No
Foods: 1.7mm ABN Chromo Pellet, ABN Flakes, Mysis, Bloodworm, Roe, Beta Brine, and Arctic Pods
Description: The Green Band Goby is a hardy, peaceful bottom feeder that is great from nano to medium sized aquaria. They have a white face, Red stripes through the eyes, Green in the body, with yellowish green thin bands vertical stripes along the body. This is a great fish for beginners, as they readily accept prepared foods. Do not mix with any large predators they can easily be eaten.