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Absolutely Fish Naturals Chromo Pellets now available!

Luther Goby
Luther Goby
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Absolutely Naturals

Luther Goby

Regular price $43.99

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Difficulty: Beginner
Temperament: Peaceful
Latin Name: Cryptocentrus lutheri
Common Names: Luther's Shrimp Goby
Adult full size: 4"-5"
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
UV Required: No
Protein Skimmer: No
Reef Safe: Yes
Foods: ABN Chromo Pellets, ABN Marine Flakes, Mysis, ABN Trifecta, Spirulina Brine

Description: The Luther Goby is a gray, brown fish with vertical barring along its elongated body and pinkish spots near its head. This is a great goby and bottom feeder for beginner aquarists with a mid-size to larger aquarium. This fish originates from the Indian Ocean near Africa, and the Red Sea. A nice, thick sandbed is needed as this fish likes to burrow. A tight fitting lid is highly recommended as these fish are jumpers. They will readily accept prepared foods like pellets and ABN frozen foods.