Lyretail Hawk
Please read our LIVESTOCK SHIPPING POLICY carefully before placing your order.
Latin Name: Cyprinocirrhites polyactis
Common Names: Lyretail Hawk, Swallowtail Hawk, Soaring Hawkfish
Difficulty: Beginner
Temperament: Semi- aggressive
Adult full size: 6”
Minimum Tank Size: 40 gallons
UV Required: No
Protein Skimmer: No
Reef Safe: With Caution (Will not bother coral, but may eat small crustaceans)
Foods: ABN Marine Flakes, ABN Chromo Pellets, Mysis Shrimp, Brine Shrimp, Plankton, Krill
Description: The Lyretail Hawkfish is a great fish for beginners, while also boasting bright red and orange colors. This fish will readily accept Vitamin C soaked pellets and prepared frozen foods. They are very hardy and will add tons of personality to an aquarium. This fish can be added to a reef tank with caution, as they will not bother corals but may go after invertabrates such as crabs and shrimp.