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Absolutely Fish Naturals Chromo Pellets now available!

Plectranthias (Geometric)
Plectranthias (Geometric) Plectranthias (Geometric)
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Absolutely Naturals

Plectranthias (Geometric)

Regular price $43.99

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Difficulty: Beginner 
Temperament: Peaceful, Predatory
Latin Name: Plectranthias inermis
Common Names: Geometric Pygmy Hawk/Perchlet, Geometric Flame Basslet, Chequered Perchlet, High Fin Perchlet
Adult full size: 2”
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
UV Required: No
Protein Skimmer: No
Reef Safe: Yes (but read below)
Foods: Live Brine, Live Blackworms, SMALL Live Ghost Shrimp, Brine, Mysis, Bloodworm, LRS: Nano Reef Frenzy

Description: Despite the common names it is known by, this is not actually a hawk; they are actually more closely related to anthias! Plectranthias are perfect nano reef fish, generally mixing well with all other nano fish. They can be shy and cryptic at times, but are definitely a cool addition to any reef aquaria. They are reef safe, but use caution as they can predate upon small decorative shrimp.