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FREE Shipping on all orders $300 or more! - Absolutely Fish Naturals Chromo Pellets now available!

Red Zebra Mbuna
Red Zebra Mbuna
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Absolutely Fish Naturals

Red Zebra Mbuna

Regular price $10.99

Temperament: Aggressive, Can be kept with other mbunas of similar size
Max Size: 4-5 inches
Food: Seaweed/Tenera, Krill, Veggies Pellets, Frozen foods
Tank Size: 40 gallons or larger, generally ideal for bigger aquariums


Hardy African cichlid originating from Lake Malawi. Characterized by have orange coloration and can have variation from OB (orange and blue splotching) to Calico. They should not be kept with more peaceful African cichlids such as peacocks or ones of significantly smaller size. Large highly stocked tanks are preferred in order to reduce aggression.

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