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Absolutely Fish Naturals Chromo Pellets now available!

Talbot Damsel
Talbot Damsel Talbot Damsel
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Absolutely Naturals

Talbot Damsel

Regular price $16.99

Difficulty: Beginner
Temperament: Semi-aggresive
Latin Name: Chrysiptera talboti
Common Names: Talbot's Damsel, Talbot's Damoiselle
Adult full size: 3”
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallon
UV Required: No
Protein Skimmer: No
Reef Safe: Yes
Foods: NLS Thera A, Mysis, ABN Marine Flake, Bloodworm

The Talbot's Damsel is an awesome fish for both beginner and experienced aquarists. They are very hardy and will readily accept any prepared foods. This fish will work in both reef and fish only aquaria. Since they are Damsels, they may become nippy or territorial as they become accustomed to the tank. This fish is distinguished by its bright yellow head and mauve pink body.

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