News — education
Absolutely Fish
Best Fish Food to Feed Your Tropical Fish
Best Fish Food to Feed Your Tropical Fish By Glenn Laborda There are a lot of dry foods in the aquarium hobby. Some are good, some are not so good. We have tried about every brand over the past 30 years in business. There had come a time where we were not happy with the current available feeds. We wanted to design our own formulas with ingredients and a process we believed in. First, let us discuss the “problem” with the entire dry food making process. The conventional flaking process operates at about a 300-degree temperature. This high temperature negates...
Brishen Bowles
Good Freshwater Fish for Beginners
Whether you are cycling a new tank, or adding to an already established one, these 3 species of Freshwater Fish are perfect for beginner aquarists!
Brishen Bowles

Daphnia - The Best Freshwater Food?
Have you ever wanted a live food source for your Freshwater Aquarium that won't die? Well we now carry live Daphnia! Check out this blog to learn more about them!
Brishen Bowles
Why Are My Shrimp Dying?
Are you struggling to keep your shrimp alive, but can not find out what the issue is? Check out this blog to see if our tips can help you be successful with these colorful crustaceans!
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