News — shrimp

Absolutely Fish

Unique Aquarium Shrimp in New Jersey

Vampire Shrimp by Amanda They are known under a variety of different common names such as Vampire Shrimp, Viper shrimp and African Filter Shrimp, they are native to West Africa found from Senegal to Democratic Republic of Congo, first discovered in Gabon, Africa in 1875. Certain species of freshwater shrimp found in South America may be mistaken for Atya gabonensis yet are incorrect when in fact they are actually Atya scabra which look identical, the main difference being is that Atya gabonensis get much larger while Atya scabra stay at 3.5 inches. They are on the threatened species list, being...

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Why Are My Shrimp Dying?

Are you struggling to keep your shrimp alive, but can not find out what the issue is? Check out this blog to see if our tips can help you be successful with these colorful crustaceans!

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Why Are My Shrimp Not Breeding, and How Do I Sex Them?

Are you struggling to get your shrimp colony established? Not sure if you have a good mix of male and female shrimp to breed? Check out this blog written by our shrimp expert Isha to learn more!

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Neocaridina Shrimp vs. Caridina Shrimp Care

Are you curious about the different kinds of shrimp we carry? Are you struggling to decide which direction to go? Check out this blog written by our Freshwater Shrimp expert for more information!

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