Atlantic Blue Tang
Latin Name: Acanthurus coeruleus
Common Name: Atlantic Blue Tang, Blue Doctor Fish
Category: Tangs
Difficulty: Intermediate
Personality: Semi-Aggressive
Adult Full Size: 12"
Min. Tank Size: 75 gallons (WILL NEED TO UPGRADE)
Safe for Reef Tanks: Yes
UV Required: Yes
Skimmer Required: Yes
Foods: ABN Chromo Pellets (Soak with Vitamin C), Seaweed, Spirulina Brine, ABN Spirulina Flakes, Mysis
The Atlantic Blue Tang is a fish that originates from the Atlantic Ocean. They display a yellow coloration as juveniles, and then changes to a brilliant blue as they grow older. Plenty of live rock for grazing and hiding spots is recommended. Seaweed is important for this fish's diet. This would make a great addition to larger reef and fish only aquaria. Be careful not to mix with conspecifics, as there will be aggression.
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