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Absolutely Fish Naturals Chromo Pellets now available!

Sargassum Wrasse
Sargassum Wrasse
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Absolutely Fish Naturals

Sargassum Wrasse

Regular price $54.99

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Difficulty: Intermediate
Temperament: Semi-Aggressive
Latin Name: Novaculichthys macrolepidotus
Common Names: Seagrass Wrasse, Sargassum Wrasse, Emerald Wrasse
Adult full size: 6"
Minimum Tank Size: 75 gallons
Reef Safe: No
UV Required: No
Protein Skimmer: No
Foods: ABN Chromo Pellets, ABN Marine Flakes, Mysis, Plankton, Krill, Bloodworm, Squid

Description: The Seagrass Wrasse is an elegant fish that can range from green to brown in coloration. Their blade like body allows them to camouflage with the seagrass beds in the wild. A thick sandbed is recommended as they will bury themselves to sleep. A lid is also needed as they can easily jump out. This wrasse is helpful to eat pests in the aquarium, but is not reef safe as they will eat live crustaceans.