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Absolutely Fish Naturals Chromo Pellets now available!

Skunk Tilefish
Skunk Tilefish
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Absolutely Fish Naturals

Skunk Tilefish

Regular price $131.99

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Difficulty: Expert
Temperament: Peaceful
Latin Name: Hoplolatilus marcosi                                                                                        Common Names: Skunk Tilefish, Redback Sand Tilefish
Adult full size: 4.5"
Minimum Tank Size: 75 gallons
Reef Safe: Yes
UV Required: Yes
Protein Skimmer: Recommended
Foods: Vitamin C soaked ABN Chromo Pellets, Mysis, Brine, Bloodworms, ABN Trifecta, LRS: Reef Frenzy, Reef Nutrition: ROE/Arctic Pods/Beta-Brine, San Francisco Bay Brand: Multipack

Description: Tilefish are extremely peaceful, but sensitive fish species. This fish is unique and exhibits a white body with a horizontal, red stripe running along the body with a striking blue eye. They are best in reef aquarium with other peaceful fish. They are prone to jumping, so a tight-fitting lid is a must! They prefer a tank with a nice, aged sand bed. They generally eat smaller frozen food.